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Daniel F Lopes
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@nunojob i will hijack this thread just to say a big thanks for, in our first (and only) meeting in London, giving me the book Cross the chasm straight out of your shelf, and which was a great read. Was a super nice gesture!
I'm Nuno. I bootstrapped a biz to £15m, advised founders 0-🦄 . Now I'm building Decipad AMA 👇
Nuno Job
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Soundy is like giphy but for sounds
This is a unique collection of sounds for every occasion.
Search & discover the best sounds of your life, share them with your friends or submit new if you can't find what suits you.
Join us on this odyssey of sounds!

Giphy for sounds

Daniel F Lopes
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Hi everyone,
Say hi to Unplugg.
It's free to use, and the Unplugg team is anxious to hear about your feedback and cool experiences with it.

Forecasting as a service - Add intelligence to your products

Forecasting as a service - Add intelligence to your products

Daniel F Lopes
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Hi everyone,
Borders is a very simple, funny and addictive game: it gives you a country and you have to guess the other country that shares a border with it.
Lets see how many can you do in a row!
You can also connect with Game Center and compare yourself with other players!
It also has a Capital Games Mode for the hardcore gamers. This game mode is available for $0.99 via in App Purchase, ...

A Geography Quiz

A Geography Quiz

Daniel F Lopes
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It would be nice to add this Slack's apps platform for easier integration, and thus wider adoption.
Great idea guys. Keep these goods coming. 👌
Slack Birthday Bot
Slack bot for celebrating birthdays

Daniel F Lopes
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"Initial support for English, Spanish and Japanese.
It includes:
* Sentiment Analysis: Understand the overall sentiment of a block of text
* Entity Recognition: Identify the most relevant entities for a block of text and label them with types such as person, organization, location, events, products and media
* Syntax Analysis: Identify parts of speech and create dependency parse trees for each...

Google Cloud Natural Language API
Natural language API using Google machine learning

Daniel F Lopes
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This is very interesting, but am I the only one questioning if the bot is able to communicate with humans as naturally as it's shown in the video?
Building a bot able to understand human language and (and recognize a baby?) is a tough job by itself.
**What's the thoughts of the Product Hunt's community on this?**
I'm just being curious here :) Congrats for the product!

Your personal home health robot

Daniel F Lopes
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Well done.
Have to say that you would have a hard time implementing this in countries as Portugal though, which have a very complex tax system. ;)

Quarterly Tax Calculator Bot
Quarterly tax calculation for freelancers

Daniel F Lopes
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Parabéns @bpedro por mais um bom produto 💪

Where developers stay informed of API changes & discussion

Daniel F Lopes
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This is stellar. Congrats Gitlab team for making this open sourced. A lot of companies will benefit.

GitLab Employee Handbook
Gitlab has open sourced their employee handbook

Daniel F Lopes
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Does anyone know what's their business model?
Having real people narrating it's awesome, but it seems costly. :)
Colony FM
Read with your ears. Anytime. Anywhere.

Daniel F Lopes
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Apps delivering high value to society - would like to see more of these in PH.
(TBC, I also like entertainment apps - they do also provide value. But I think we all agree that more of these wouldn't hurt at all.)
@davidvivero Congrats to you and the team for the initiative. What's your business model?

Health Costs, by Amino
Compare cost estimates for specific doctors & regions

Daniel F Lopes
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@sbyrnes The purpose looks promising. I think it would be interesting to show some examples on the landing page though - this way I would have a more concrete idea of what I'm going to receive in my inbox. :)

The Data Driven Daily
Daily ideas for using data to make better business decisions

Daniel F Lopes
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Interesting. It would be great if you could describe, more or less, how this works. i.e., how is the app able to push updates to the app without passing through the app store.

AppHub Deploy
Update React Native apps without re-submitting to Apple