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Automate everything with flexible software designed specifically for artists, venues, promoters, agencies, management companies, labels and festivals.
Beautiful SaaS technology for the live music industry

Danny Fiorentini
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Hey everyone 👋😎
The Muzeek team - @mrtoddandrews, @daverobledo1, @jessengatai, @michaelhutton and myself - are really excited to announce that Muzeek is officially launching out of invite-only beta today. 🎉
Muzeek is a flexible, freemium SaaS platform for the live music industry; we're used by everyone from bedroom DJs and artists to large agencies and...
Beautiful SaaS technology for the live music industry

Danny Fiorentini
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Stoked for this. Rdio had best UI in the game so I'm glad they're reusing the look and feel of it.

Pandora Premium
The return of Rdio, by Pandora

Danny Fiorentini
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"Let's Duo" just doesn't have the same ring to it. ;\
Google Duo
One-to-one video calling. Google's FaceTime competitor.

Danny Fiorentini
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Cool! Big thing here would be enticing fans of shows to add more and more - the manual part might be tricky to keep me coming back to update it. Maybe could create a browser extension that lives on ticketing sites, etc. that says "Add to Show List" or something like that, to help automate this engagement. Best of luck!

Show List
Share bands you've seen live, discover new bands

Danny Fiorentini
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The Twenty Minute VC: Semil Shah @ Haystack
Raising a 1st time fund & why Semil is not founder friendly

Danny Fiorentini
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If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was ever-so-slightly inspired by Baremetrics. 🤔

Transform your Eventbrite account into rich metrics

Danny Fiorentini
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For the record I have (mild) OCD and I'm not offended by the name. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I am concerned about the front page tho - that big image of a green logo and white space just looks odd. I think your landing page needs to just start at your dropdown image and it would communicate the product much clearer when I first get there. :)
I mean, the name is goofy though, none-the-less.

Put Mac windows in their places!

Danny Fiorentini
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Hey @cbognet - sounds cool. Do you partner with any other nutritional companies as well to provide more intricate/unique superfoods & supplements; or is everything based from what can be purchased at WholeFoods?
Best of luck!

Data-driven nutrition to make healthy eating easy

Danny Fiorentini
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This concept is awesome. Look forward to trying it out.
Just a typo on the front page: "....use freely your data." Should be "use your data freely," I think. :)
Best of luck!

Rent your data and get paid for ads you see online

Danny Fiorentini
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@intentlyceo is a legend and it's great to see this hunted! congrats man!

Adblocker meets Pinterest to replace ads with inspiration

Danny Fiorentini
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I love SignEasy. Been using it for over a year now.
One feature I'd love to see implemented: a "copy" or "duplicate" feature where you can select a text box that you've already typed and simply duplicate it again onto the same document. This will save loads of time when you're forced to write your name in a few slots, etc.
Keep up the great work.
Request Signature with SignEasy
Get documents signed by anyone remotely, in minutes ✍️

Danny Fiorentini
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Awesome @ryanholiday. I just watched the Keith Richards doc on Netflix this weekend so this is a perfect transition read. :D

The Sun & Moon & The Rolling Stones
An insider's biography of the greatest rock and roll band

Danny Fiorentini
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For years I've been reluctant to use a desktop client for no particular reason, but I'm converting now! Everything has been great so far and I'm up and running.
Questions: is there a way to make my Unreads "sticky" at the top? That seems to be my only request at the moment!
Great work.

Canary Mail
Easy, elegant email for Mac

Danny Fiorentini
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James is the man. Such an honest and open approach to things. Thanks for posting @underwoodbrent!

James Altucher - Choose Yourself
James Altucher on London Real

Danny Fiorentini
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lol - reminds me of one of my favorite apps:

A compass to your next burrito. 🌯

Danny Fiorentini
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Was a pleasure to join @niccjohnson on the panel at Australian Music Tech Summit a few nights ago. Muru seems really cool and I'm excited to finally try it out.
@niccjohnson can you elaborate more about how Muru is unique compared to some of the others?

Muru Music
Personalised playlists within seconds.

Danny Fiorentini
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Nice one!

The Twenty Minute VC: Brian O'Malley, Partner at Accel Partners
Why growth must still be the priority for your startup

Danny Fiorentini
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Great panel @jason!

This Week in Startups - E639: All Star Angel Panel & FanDuel
Gil Penchina, Jenny Fielding, Paige Craig, Nigel Eccles