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Want in on the cool 4 panel animated gif things spreading across Twitter? Too busy to use Photoshop to crop each GIF down to a quadrant and then convert using some weird online tool?
Now you can use Twitter GIF Converter to do all the heavy lifting for you!
Twitter GIF Converter
Twitter GIF Converter
Convert GIFs into 4 panel APNGs with ease

flip is a new, seamless way to capture video on mobile. All you need to do to capture a short, engaging video is hold down a button. There's no review, just hold and the video is instantly uploaded and shared with your friends on flip.

Made entirely by a 16 y/o.

A seamless way to capture looping videos on mobile 🎬

Authstatus is a free, easy to use status page you can setup in minutes.

Features include uptime monitoring, latency tracking (ms) and incident reporting.

Made by a 15y/o.

A free status page w/ uptime monitoring + incident reporting

Printed ur Tweet is a bot that prints whatever you tweet with #PrintMyTweet.

The bot uses the Twitter Stream API to get new tweets. It then prints them, takes a photo, and sends it back to the original tweeter.

Made by a 15y/o.

Printed ur Tweet
Printed ur Tweet
A twitter bot that prints tweets with #PrintMyTweet in them.

Authpush is an easy, code-less way to send push notifications to your users.

We also have an API at

Also made by a 15y/o.

Easy push notifications for everyone

Rapid allows you to have multiple conversations all from one page, and better yet, you can see what your friend is typing: live. I made this with 2 other people, Noah and Harry. I programmed and designed everything (and I'm 15 👋), Noah does Support and Harry works on marketing.

Real IMs. Live Typing. One Page (made by a 15 y/o)