David Pipe

David Pipe

Head of Engineering
56 points
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David Pipe
David Pipe
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Awesome to finally see this go live!
Sahha Archetypes
Sahha Archetypes
Segment users based on their health, lifestyle, & behavior!
David Pipe
Categorize users based on long-term health, lifestyle, and behavioral trends, enabling hyper-personalized engagement and retention strategies. Archetypes are intuitive, easy-to-use labels that capture a person’s persona, health and lifestyle
Sahha Archetypes
Sahha Archetypes
Segment users based on their health, lifestyle, & behavior!
David Pipe
David Pipe
left a comment
very cool team! much needed these days..
Zario Screen Time AI
Zario Screen Time AI
Get roasted from distraction to action by AI
David Pipe
Sahha adds sleep tracking back to iOS phone apps and improves it by making it passive, research backed and GDPR compliant. Devs, get accurate sleep insights without wearables using just an iPhone, backed by science and seamlessly integrated with HealthKit.
Sahha Sleep API
Sahha Sleep API
Sleep tracking without a wearable is back for iOS
David Pipe
Passively and objectively detect and monitor the mental health status of your users through a simple SDK and API while retaining privacy and security. Improve how you deliver interventions and health insights through your app using Sahha!
API to analyze user mental health passively & securely