Pic2Tile is a tool you can convert images into Hama Beads or Lego blocks style using 16x16 tiles. More tiles and sizes in coming updates.
If you are a Pixatool user this interface will be very familiar. In case you not follow me on twitter i developed a new UI from scratch to be used in future tools, and Pic2Tile is the first one.
With Pixel FX Designer you can create awesome particle effects with the ability to giving them a pixelart feel by tweaking several options and render them to .png sprite sheets or .gifs.
You can export the original particle render just disabling any pixelation or palette limitation. Or you can add effects like Glow, outline, chromatic aberration
PixaTool is a downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux that you can use PixaTool to get 8bit/Pixel style images or videos, optimize your PixelArt or just adding some cool effects. Also PixaTool is able to convert images into ASCII/ANSI art exported in images(.PNG).