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Hello! This is my second product release on ProductHunt 🎉
Webshot is a Screenshot as a Service solution, which just means that it's an API for screenshotting websites. First load might take some time, so be patient! Although I haven't found a faster competitor out there. It caches the image for 1 minute (might change it to 10 minutes).
It's free and Open Source! So if my service goes down....

Free and Open Source screenshot website service

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Hello! This is my very first release on ProductHunt 🎉
Top Fifty Memes is curating top fifty daily memes on Reddit and displays it on the site. (You can click on a meme and navigate with your arrow keys)
It is made by my friend (he's not on any maker socials) and I as a fun side project a while ago with no real progress, so we just decided to release it. I hope some people find it useful...

Top Fifty Memes
The best memes from Reddit, every day

Top fifty memes curated from Reddit ❤️
You can click on a meme and navigate with your arrow keys 🚀

Top Fifty Memes
The best memes from Reddit, every day

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Congratulations on the launch! The Prisma/Graphcool team has been the lead contributor to open source GraphQL which I appreciate a lot. Projects such as graphql-yoga and graphql-playground makes the development workflow so much easier. All of this in combination with Prisma will help bootstrap projects blazingly fast!
Build a GraphQL server with any database