Deepak Kumar

Deepak Kumar

Engineer @ Airmeet | Building new things
129 points
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Deepak Kumar
Do you know? India has built the craziest real time payments of the entire world. In the month of August 2023, it processed 10.586 billion transactions. Crazy! Learn everything about how this payments system is built and how money flows end to end!
Learn UPI. Be a fintech product manager
Learn UPI. Be a fintech product manager
World's most innovative fintech rails
Deepak Kumar
Deepak Kumar
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Awesome resources curation for latest happening in LLM space. Kudos to makers and @asdivyansh !
Curated resources related to deploying LLMs into production
Deepak Kumar
Ask any product, marketing, or growth folks; they would say that pricing and monetisation are the most exciting problem statement to work on.

Learn interesting pricing models, strategies and pricing psychology hacks alongside case studies from 13+ companies.
A to Z of Pricing and Monetisation
1 stop destination for product, growth & marketing folks
Deepak Kumar
100+ Free PM Interview Questions

Get solution of questions asked in Uber, Google, Amazon, Swiggy, Flipkart, CRED etc. product manager interviews
Practice product management interview questions
Deepak Kumar
Fully customizable & immersive hybrid events and webinar platform designed for exceptional engagement & ROI.
Unlock the power of events & webinars
Deepak Kumar
Deepak Kumar
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Very useful tool, all the best šŸš€
Discover the best tools and resources for creators
Deepak Kumar
Do you feel intimated by technology as a Product Manager? Are you a non-tech PM?
Have you been rejected in a PM interview in the technology round?
We are here to solve your woes. Learn A to Z of APIs here -
API for Product Managers
The A to Z of APIs for product managers