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Den Chernenko
Natural Language User Interface for SAP provides End Users the possibility to request data from the SAP database for making data-driven business decisions, which drives the business forward faster.
Natural Language User Interface
Natural Language User Interface
Get information from SAP using only Natural Language
Den Chernenko

NLSQL email verification tool is able to find and verify emails, you just need to type:

@email Name Surname

Feel free to try with your own email with NLSQL bot and comment here with results

NLSQL email verification tool
Free email verification tool feature from NLSQL
Den Chernenko

NLSQL Bot is a chat bot, which helps people get requested numbers from database using natural language. NLSQL can be integrated to chat application you are commonly use, - Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, etc. as well as using webchat within webpage.

A smart sales bot that's integrated with your database