Dena Sohrabi

Dena Sohrabi

Co-Founder at Noor
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Dena Sohrabi
A chat and team collaboration app designed for a balance of uninterrupted deep work and intense collaboration bursts. Built to eliminate back and forth and switching tools.
Noor v1.0
Noor v1.0
Replace Slack.
Dena Sohrabi
Noor is the chat app for teams who want to ship cool things together. Slack has been primarily serving large enterprises and doesn't care about building high quality software. Noor is a native app, focused on simplicity, teamwork and speed.
Noor Beta
Noor Beta
Time to replace Slack
Dena Sohrabi
We built "AirPods.WTF" so people realize they sound terrible in meetings just because of using AirPods as both their input and output device in calls. Best practice is to use your MacBook's built-in mic and then use AirPods as just your output device.
AirPods mic sounds terrible in calls