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Signup Links are the fastest way to sign up paying users for your AI or SaaS product. Mix and match any pricing models - per-seat, usage and flat fees - in a simple link to send to customers. Our free tier is perfect for launching fast - no coding required.
Signup Links by Wingback
Stripe Billing, but faster, no-code and for any pricing plan
Denys Séguret
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Your code editor knows how to sort lines of text.
But it doesn't know how to sort lines of code. Sorting breaks comments and the consistency of items.
When you want to sort the fields of a class or struct, when you want to sort the branchs of a switch or match, when you want to sort the variants of an enum, you have to do it by hand. So you usually give up when the object changes.
Of course,...
CodeSort sorts code
CodeSort, a free addon to your IDE, can sort a struct's fields, an enum's variants, a switch's branches, etc. while keeping spacing, comments, and of course code, consistent.
CodeSort sorts code
Denys Séguret
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Hi, this is intriguing.
What's the requirement for receiving notifications ? Have a US phone number ?
Real-time, SMS-like notifications for iOS and Android
Denys Séguret
left a comment
It's pretty, and it could be super useful.
Back in the time, I made an Android app, Petit Poucet (now retired, not a concurrent), with similar concerns, and some use case ideas that you could apply to GeoClick, like finding your path back in a mountain trip, or your car in a foreign town or huge parking.
Capture moments and tag locations instantly