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Vasil Nedelchev
It's a boring SaaS calculator. I did it on a weekend. I'm not a dev. It's my first coding project using AI coding tools only. I thought it might be useful for people running SaaS. In my work, I often see successful founders doing boring math. So I did this.
Boring SaaS Calculator
Boring SaaS Calculator
Calculate profit, LTV, CAC, ARPU, ARR, UX ROI
Vasil Nedelchev
Collaborate with a seasoned product designer to bring your product ideas to life with confidence in two weeks' time. Have a look:
Flat rate product design service
Vasil Nedelchev
Collection of actionable articles about creating a sustainable solo UI/UX business
Make a living as a solo UI/UX designer
Vasil Nedelchev
Last 10 years, I've been switching between portfolio solutions. Always slightly disappointed. I just needed something simple on my own domain at a fair price. So I created it. And it's working. Multiple five-figure projects landed using this simple template.
Carrd Portfolio Templates
Carrd Portfolio Templates
Portfolio with your own domain at a fraction of the cost.