Devon Meadows

Devon Meadows

Cofounder of Awake Hapy
31 points
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Devon Meadows
Devon Meadows
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Moved from Obsidian to
Do you have a digital second brain?
Devon Meadows
Devon Meadows
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Can you talk about what data model/s you are using to power the photos?
Turn any subject into AI artworks within an hour
Devon Meadows
Devon Meadows
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Wisdom apparel pulling you inward
Aaron O'Leary
Describe your product in 5 words.
Aaron O'Leary
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Devon Meadows
Devon Meadows
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Yes. I can’t wait to do this for Awake Happy.
The ultimate mobile fashion adventure and creation game.
Devon Meadows
Devon Meadows
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Would you mind talking about what the price range for this product is?
Generate revenue by turning your customers into ambassadors
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Devon Meadows
Devon Meadows
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My wife and I are looking for something that shares spur of the moment status updates

We now share a house and both work from home. I work upstairs, and she works downstairs. I don't want her walking in while I'm in a meeting. I wouldn't want her to bug me either if I'm in the zone. The same goes for her. I don't know if I'll intrude if I walk in. Right now we just text or look at each other's calendar. Is asking and informing via text the best way? I'm a designer and don't...
Devon Meadows
Devon Meadows
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Editing photos in Lightroom CC from Adobe & Apple News + & processing email in HEY
Hannah S Kim
Fellow iPad owners, what are your favorite uses for the iPad?