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NFT Spender is a leaderboard that tracks the value of user-submitted NFT galleries. I just wanted to offer a fun way for NFT collectors to showcase their wares and have a little fun in the process.

NFT Spender
A leaderboard style price tracker for NFT galleries.

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A friend of mine once commented on my ability to find almost any obscure item or information on the internet. That one conversation got my wheels spinning thinking about others far more skilled at leveraging the internet as a tool for discovery and development. I created Sleuth Co. as a utility for internet sleuths of various niches to convert their time and skill into income. I envision Sleuth...

Sleuth Co.
Bounties for internet sleuths.

Sleuth Co. is a repository for internet research bounties posted by groups or individuals seeking to leverage the talents of skilled internet sleuths. We provide a low-friction, convenient and competitive environment that encourages swift, quality results.

Sleuth Co.
Bounties for internet sleuths.

Just Last Week allows you to share curated Recaps from the previous week. Create Audiences and decide which Recaps each Audience gets to see.

Just Last Week
Weekly recaps of your life.

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Just Last Week has just been soft launched! The platform lets people share curated Recaps from their past week. Users can create Audiences and decide which Recaps each Audience gets to see. Each Audience has a unique Tag that can be shared for people to join, or Audiences can be made private and secured with a password for more personal content.
Although I'm content with the feature set at...

Just Last Week
Weekly recaps of your life.

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DO, GC, and AWS
Which Cloud service provider do you guys use for your projects.
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I recently soft launched my social sharing platform 'Just Last Week' Just Last Week lets people share curated Recaps from their past week. Users can create Audiences and decide which Recaps each Audience gets to see. Each Audience has a unique Tag that can be shared for people to join, or Audiences can be made private and secured with a password for more personal...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 22nd of June)
Aaron O'Leary
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