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Didier Catz
🏴 Flagpack is an open source project of 250+ stunning flag icons for your digital product. Easily implementable in your design or code project. Now with Figma Variants and Svelte Components.
Flagpack V2
Flagpack V2
Stunning flag icons for your digital product
Didier Catz
🏴 Flagpack is an open source project of 260+ stunning flag icons for your digital product. Easily implementable in your design or code project. Download for Figma, Sketch and Adobe XD (coming soon) or install for React, Vue or Angular (coming soon).
Stunning open source flag icons for your digital product
Didier Catz
Hovering Art Director is a clean, simple macOS app that lets you pin images to your screen above all your other apps. This is extremely useful if you need to store notes, have a reference while working on design, or keep a mood board for reference. Use it however you like!
Hovering Art Director
Hovering Art Director
Pin images to your screen above all your other apps.