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Res Dev
Got bored? Get Inspired with curated quotes within your Slack workspace. - Just type "/quote" to get a randomized daily inspirational quote. - Or type /quote [author or topic or keywords] to get a response based on your input. For example: /quote maya angelou
Inspirational Quotes in Slack
Inspirational Quotes in Slack
Get inspired with Instant quotes for your Slack workspace
Res Dev
An innovative streaming interface to explore famous quotes. Play with the dynamic quote engine to discover your quotes by author or tag.
- Easily navigate the quote stream using pause, play, forward, and back buttons.
- Avialable on iOS, Android and web*.
Stream famous & inspirational quotes
Res Dev

Explore our famous, inspirational, motivational, life, love, funny quotes and over 200k other curated quotes with images where you can search for quotes and upvote them. Read our collections of quotes on various authors and topics on Quote Dark blog. The search is powered with an advanced algorithm that helps with misspellings and vague words.

A dynamic web app that brings over 200k quotes out of dark.