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Dillon Carter
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Todoist, Slack, and Superhuman.
Assuming I can still use the native browser, I should be able to get everything done.
If not, Brave, Slack, and Superhuman, lol.
If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your phone, which ones would you keep?
Raphael Salaja
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Dillon Carter
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Listen, if it came from the team at Ultraworking, it's going to be great! 🙌

Good Meetings Power Pack
Your odds of having good meetings go up

Dillon Carter
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Granted it's been less than a day but I really enjoy the workflow that Tempo has placed around email. Constraints are very important to me. Tempo + smart Gmail Filters is a massive shift in the right direction.
Once the mobile app is released, I'll be more than happy to switch from Spark to Tempo fully.
ps. when you do release a mobile app for iOS, please include Siri Shortcuts integrations 👨🚀
The email client that helps you focus

Dillon Carter
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Can personally verify the other comments. I'm on top of my game but this proved me wrong. I'm now knocking out extensive to-do lists in less than half the time. I'm literally looking for other things to get done at this point and it's an amazing feeling.
This is especially useful on days when you lack motivation. Just get started with a single cycle. Once completed, try another. By the end of...
The Work Gym
We can guarantee all your work will get done. Really.

Dillon Carter
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Fantastic idea! I'm not seeing pricing anywhere. What's the cost/subscription?

ScopeAI 2.0
Track product feedback from customer conversations using NLP

Dillon Carter
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Amazing product guys! It takes a lot for me to change my new tab page and you did that with ease.

An elegant, simplified new tab page

Dillon Carter
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This looks amazing! Seriously. For a small team growing a startup, content creation takes a HUGE amount of my time each week.
Only question I have is - can your writing team handle niche related topics like selling on Amazon?
It's important that we're producing content that is educational for our current and prospective users.

Hire a writer for your business for only $250/mo

Dillon Carter
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Very great idea! The manual adjusting might be a small pain point but I think it will be worth it. Cannot stand throwing food out.

Manage food better, reduce food waste and save money

Dillon Carter
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I've needed this for such a long time! Looks great, but needs more cards ;) I have a lot for travel hacking lol.

Discover where you can fly for free with credit card points

Dillon Carter
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I tested the app at 11pm at night after a very rough Accounting final exam, study for more final exams, working at my job and then working on my startup and wow....
I didn't actually expect anything, but it did feel incredibly intuitive. Once we worked through the stress relief I thought it would close the loop, but it then immediately transitioned into mindfulness, gratitude and something...
Your 4 am friend and life coach in an anonymous AI bot

Dillon Carter
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I've wanted something like this for so long! Incredibly timely and seems like a very simple and enjoyable solution.
I'm looking forward to testing it this week ;)

Positive dog training, make learning tricks fun

Dillon Carter
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Initial thoughts: This is great, but needs some work.
Pros: Everything in one place with a great deal of addons (although not true integrations if I'm not mistaken)
Cons: No SSO, not true integrations and could use some processing efficiency as it seems a bit heavy at times.
I'm also a power user on most things, so for the average person it may be perfect. I'll continue using this though :)
One app to rule them all

Dillon Carter
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Seems incredibly interesting. So I pay just one fee and have digital access to all of my course materials (in terms of the books of course)?
Campus Books
All your university textbooks in one place

Dillon Carter
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Trying to test this, but keep getting an unexpected return error 500 when connecting to my Wordpress blog?

MarsEdit 4
Archive, write, preview, and publish your blog from a Mac

Dillon Carter
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This is awesome! I've been trying to find a tool like this for some time and although there are some that exist, they never live up to the hype. Luckily, this tool does.
I'm working on rolling this out to my organization now. Very excited :)
Take real-time notes on conference calls with AI

Dillon Carter
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Where has this been all my life?!
A site to find the dopest Chrome extensions out there

Dillon Carter
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Great idea! Just created my own and I love it.

Amazon Your Dash Buttons
Tap a button on your phone to reorder products on Amazon

Dillon Carter
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Very interesting. Seems like a great product for after I graduate lol.
Forget everything you know about insurance