All activity

Dylan McKee
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Really nice idea and lightweight execution and I love the privacy first focus with the local storage.
Are there any plans to make the data a bit more queryable, so for example if I logged that I met someone at a certain event a while ago, I could chat to Pollen and tell it I’m going to said event again, and it could suggest everyone I should get in touch with?

Pollen for LinkedIn
Tag, organize and add notes to LinkedIn profiles

Dylan McKee
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Love the hologram idea! This has to be one of the cutest use cases of AI I've seen so far. I love that the background/context could show me my dog back his favourite places, like playing on the beach, if it was possible to load a custom background 'scene' in?
Excited to see where this goes!
Digital dogs furever

Dylan McKee
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Super interested in this and the concept of proactive AI in such a personal context, instead of the current flow of having to ask for help and often provide a load of contextual information. I'd love to get 'life reminders' in this too like birthdays coming up, things I need to buy, insurance running out, subscriptions I could cancel that I'm not really using, etc.

Your personable AI assistant

Dylan McKee
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Love the inbuilt prompts! Both great timesavers and eyeopeners in terms of what AI can help out with. Top work!
AI hooks that make your content impossible to ignore

Dylan McKee
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This looks really cool! Excited to give it a try and congrats on launching.
I'm really curious to know how the suggestions handle opinion – aware that Python has 'one obvious way' but devs are still opinionated (I'm as guilty as the next person) on coding styles, and I'm keen to know how you handle that – as I've often found JetBrains auto formatting very restrictive and undoing of my personal...
Grammarly for code

Dylan McKee
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We’ve been using the beta at @nebulalab for the past few weeks and it really has allowed us to speed up research, due diligence, and lead qualification. Companies House integration will be super handy going forward too! Great job team 🚀
Research and qualify prospects and customers in one click

Dylan McKee
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Fantastic collection of tools - perfect timing too with so many conventional businesses moving remote and online in the circumstances. Great work Anthony!

A hub of the best tools to help the success of your brand.

Dylan McKee
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Backed and excited to see these become a reality. Loved the taster cards at Newcastle Startup Week last week and can't wait to be thought provoked by the full set - congrats for making them a reality @jtruk!

Kick Cards
A deck of cards help startup businesses shine

Dylan McKee
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Great idea - would love to see this launch in the UK! 🍵🇬🇧👍

Dollar Tea Club
A subscription for tea drinkers <3

Dylan McKee
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Congrats on launching! Love the look of this

Writefull for Chrome
Writing with confidence

Dylan McKee
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Very cool product. Met the team behind it at the Business Rocks expo in Manchester a few months ago and they seem to have a strong future vision, excited to see how it develops!
Awesome collections lovingly created by people

Dylan McKee
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Really cool app, loving the UX. Just needs some kinda 'Netflix filter' so it can recommend me stuff that's on the steaming services I have 😄

Find a Film Fast
Movie recommendations personalised for you

Dylan McKee
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Looks promising - I find content discovery on Netflix really difficult but this may just hold the solution. +1 for an eventual Apple TV app too 😄

All the movies, all your streaming platforms, in one app.

Dylan McKee
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Very cool concept, looking forward to seeing where it goes! Reminds me a bit of @AskAbiUK

Forward-thinking notifications 🇬🇧

Dylan McKee
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There's now an Apple Pay integration guide too, entirely in Swift! 💳🐣

Moltin for iOS
eCommerce for native iOS apps

Dylan McKee
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I was involved in the development of the iOS app and I'm really excited to see people using it and loving it 'in the wild' - there's some truly cool features in there; and a truly committed team behind Fit Gurus - those guys really know their workouts. If you haven't tried it yet, get the app and start making some gains! 💪

Fit Gurus
No fluff, just serious training. Workouts from top trainers.