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Nikola Djordjevic
Discover storytelling reimagined with the new Wisebits web version. Enjoy free access to captivating short stories based on most popular novels, available to read or listen at your convenience. Explore 672+ stories now on our web platform! ๐Ÿ“šโœจ
Fanfiction short stories with book and audiobook summaries
Nikola Djordjevic
Assistive24 is a free Chrome extension enhancing web access for disabilities like ADHD, dyslexia, and low vision. Enjoy voice navigation, custom fonts, contrast adjustments, and more. Experience personalized, inclusive browsing today. Install it for free now!
Free assistive technology for individuals with disabilities
Nikola Djordjevic
Love Solitaire? Meet Sลlitaire - the perfect way to unwind. Dive into 29 game variations including beloved classics like Freecell, Klondike, Spider, and more. We focus on an exceptional user experience with a clean and intuitive interface, all ad-free to enjoy
Sลlitaire: Klondike, Spider, Freecell...
Sลlitaire: Klondike, Spider, Freecell...
Play ad-free online Sลlitaire game in 29 game variations
Nikola Djordjevic
Pointer is your AI copilot, working directly within Google Docs to offer smart, real-time edits. Say goodbye to manual copy-pasting from ChatGPT and fixing broken text formatting. Enjoy efficient, polished suggestions that you can easily approve.
AI editing co-pilot for Google Docs
Nikola Djordjevic
Nikola Djordjevic
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Congrats, @abdalyousef! Iโ€™m on my 380th day.
Abdal Yousef
Can't believe I did it ๐Ÿ”ฅ 400 day streak. What is yours?
+1 comment
Nikola Djordjevic
Nikola Djordjevic
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Impressive work, @manitejanoone! This feels like such a practical tool for designers.
Easily inspect and validate fonts on your Figma design files