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Drazen Zaric
Blogboard helps you discover, search and follow the best engineering blogs. We pull thousands of articles from official engineering blogs of top tech companies. With the built in search engine you can browse by topic or look up articles by similarity.
Engineering blogs from top tech companies
Drazen Zaric

Votum is a Slack app that enables you to run polls, crowdsource ideas, questions, feedback, meeting agendas, etc. ā€“ all without leaving Slack.

How-to use it:

Votum for Slack
Votum for Slack
Polls and crowdsourced lists with upvotes, inside Slack
Drazen Zaric

articulo is a Slack app that helps your team curate shared bookmark lists.

Use it to curate lists of must-read articles, news, videos or any kind of resources important to your team.

It will store bookmarks separately for each channel. Every member of a channel can contribute to that channel's list.

First month free, then $15.99/month per team.

Team bookmarks inside Slack