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Dylan Steck
Cortex is a browser built for smarter work. Designed based upon the way humans actually work, Cortex replaces tabs with tasks. Users simply start a new task and add tags as they work. Get what you need done and log off -- no distractions. Download now for Mac!
Cortex Desktop 1.0
Cortex Desktop 1.0
A browser built for smarter work
Dylan Steck
A new way to get things done online. Cortex stores your websites and files in one place and organizes them into tasks. It lets you focus on one thing at a time without losing sight of the big picture. Available for desktop - sign up for early access.
The nerve center of your digital life
Dylan Steck
Dylan Steck
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Google’s new short video making app 🎬
Dylan Steck
Cortex is the nerve center of your digital life. Forget windows and tabs -- Cortex lets you organize your online content by task so you can stay focused.
Cortex Desktop
Cortex Desktop
The nerve center for your online life
Dylan Steck
Actions is a Chrome extension that helps you stay organized by grouping tasks that belong to the same action. Doing research work and forget what tabs are related to your work? Simply add tabs to an action as you browse the web to keep track of your work.
Keep track of what you're doing
Dylan Steck
Opus Mage is a project aiming to create a new framework for the web that lets applications talk to each other, gives user more powerful workspaces, and centralizes content around the user's life.
Opus Mage
Opus Mage
A simpler internet built around your life.
Dylan Steck

Cashactions is an app designed to allow users to keep track of their cash transactions. Although credit card and money management services are increasingly popular, Cashactions focuses on giving users a simple, direct way to help them continue to use real money. Made by a teenage developer.

Keep track of your dough
Dylan Steck
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