Accurately produce tints (lighter variants) and shades (darker variants) of a given hex color in 10% increments.
It's best used when you already have a base color palette but would like some complimentary colors for gradients, borders, backgrounds, shadows or other elements. Simple, precise, and open source.

Google's official palette generator is buried deep within the Material docs, and is hidden from search engines, making it difficult to discover.
To make it a little easier to use, Kuali forked it and added some minor improvements. We did not change the way colors are derived.
Now there's a proper app you can bookmark. Enjoy!

Best Remote is a collection of resources about today's top remote companies, organized in a clean, consumable and fun way. I've been doing a lot of research on remote companies for my next job opportunity, and it's been a useful exercise collecting it in one place. I think this may help others who are interested in remote work or organizations.