Edward Baksheev

Edward Baksheev

Entrepreneur, Product Designer
60 points
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Edward Baksheev
Edward Baksheev
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WOW! I like it
Cmd J
Cmd J
Use ChatGPT via Cmd/Alt + J on any tab without copy-pasting
Edward Baksheev
Edward Baksheev
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I love this idea!
Suggesty: AI Search Tool
Suggesty: AI Search Tool
Get human-like answers to your Google searches with GPT-3
Edward Baksheev
Expand your vocabulary with notifications.
Get a a word of the day with sentence examples daily.
Add your own words to practice more.
Set the widget to review words.
Memorize words using flashcards.
Want it? - Learn it!
Learn foreign words via notifications & flashcards
Edward Baksheev
Edward Baksheev
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Hi all, if you wanna learn new foreign words effortlessly, try my app.
Learn foreign words via notifications & flashcards
Edward Baksheev
Edward Baksheev
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Cool design
Grow mobile in-app subscriptions 💵
Edward Baksheev
Edward Baksheev
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Your favorite musical service?
Export music to Spotify from any musical services
Edward Baksheev
SpotiApp will help you transfer your entire media library from any music services such as YouTube music, Apple Music, Deezer and etc to Spotify.
Export music to Spotify from any musical services
Edward Baksheev
Edward Baksheev
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Good design! I love it
A 100% anonymous ask & answer app.
Edward Baksheev
ChallengeMe is the game like "Truth or Dare" but right on Instagram Stories with your friends. Choose a task and record a video using ChallengeMe, post on Instagram Stories, mention your friend and tell him/her to complete the task!
Challenge your friends on Instagram
Edward Baksheev
Edward Baksheev
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Is it possible to change icon?
Art wallpapers for iOS & Android
+1 comment
Edward Baksheev
Edward Baksheev
left a comment
Good App) I love it
Art wallpapers for iOS & Android