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Egor Romanov
Egor Romanov
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it is like the second birthday! πŸ₯³ no way calcom will beat this ✌️
The Postgres developer platform is now generally available
Egor Romanov
Egor Romanov
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Wow! This is huge. Can’t wait to see what will be built on top
Supabase Vector
The open source backend for AI applications
Egor Romanov
Platform to run and keep the history of benchmark runs. Create the whole testing infrastructure and launch your performance tests with ease.
Supabase Benchmarks App
Supabase Benchmarks App
App by Supabase team to run benchmarks automatically in CI
Egor Romanov
Egor Romanov
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Looks fantastic, can't wait to use Svelte version!
Pre-built Auth UI for React
Pre-built Auth UI for React
Install Auth UI and start authenticating users with Supabase
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