Ellie Dailey

Ellie Dailey

Recruiter & Entrepreneur
6 points
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Ellie Dailey
A chance to keep all your business links and docs for sharing to potential partners/investors/customers in one place - and introduce yourselves with a 30-second video. Oh and share it via QR code or URL. Oh and it's FREE.
Intro30 for StartUps & Small Businesses
Intro30 for StartUps & Small Businesses
Introduce yourselves with a 30-second video FREE
Ellie Dailey
Intro30 is reinventing recruitment by empowering candidates to introduce themselves with 30 second videos.
Recruiters can then reach out directly and start talking. And advertise roles.
Intro30 - Hire
Intro30 - Hire
FREE Recruitment Sourcing Tool
Ellie Dailey
Candidates are more than just a resume. Create a free professional profile with your information, resume and a 30-second intro video. Share the URL with employers. Be Seen. Get Hired.
Intro30 Candidate Profile
Intro30 Candidate Profile
Introduce yourself with a 30-second video