Abhishek Gharat

Abhishek Gharat

An enthusiastic bob-the-builder cutlet.
31 points


πŸ‘‹ Digital problem solver & lifelong learner. Passionate about unlocking people's true potential through empathetic listening and strategic challenges/feedback. Bring organizations' potential online using IT. πŸ‘₯ Mentor, friend, cheerleader, and coach - wearing many hats but with one mission: making a difference. πŸ› οΈ Since 2020, I've volunteered weekends to help local nano/micro businesses establish a digital presence for free. πŸš€ 9-year entrepreneurial journey, thrilled by new connections. More the merrier, so follow if you sense a connection! 🌐 Committed to making the digital world better, and more connected. Here for mutual exploration, learning and growth. As of August 2023, your support is appreciated for building my first SaaS at KraftPixel Labs!


Founder & Leadership at KraftPixel


Pixel perfection πŸ’Ž
Pixel perfection πŸ’Ž
Tastemaker 5
Tastemaker 5
Gone streaking
Gone streaking
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