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Erin Gusty
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Hi everyone! I’m Erin, cofounder of Flourish Commerce.
@glipsman and I have had quite the entrepreneurial journey—from building marketing automation software to AI writing assistants to a caption generator for GIFs (true story). Through it all, we’ve maintained a steady consulting business where we've advised eComm brands on web design & development.
Consulting is great (hello WFH 😉), but...
Flourish Commerce Website Audit
Grow your eCommerce business through conversion optimization

Get a custom website audit and action plan to optimize your eCommerce performance. Each audit is prioritized by ROI (a matrix of potential revenue and effort), so you can focus on the most important fixes and optimizations first. Try for free today.
Flourish Commerce Website Audit
Grow your eCommerce business through conversion optimization

Erin Gusty
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Love this idea! I find that Apple TV does a great job of tracking shows-in-progress so it's easy to pick up on whichever episode is next (even when you've gone months of not watching it). What's most interesting to me is saving different lists - e.g. Oscar winners & nominees, Romcoms, binge shows. I also like the idea of sharing with your friends - maybe something like Goodreads for shows?

Your pop culture companion

Erin Gusty
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While send testing is important, the biggest factor I've seen lead to success is sending on a regular basis. E.g. always send your Product updates on the first Tuesday of the month at noon; send your newsletter as a Friday treat on Fridays at 9AM; etc. Pick a day/time and stick with it so users know when they can expect to hear from you, and you can build anticipation while they wait.
When do you send newsletters? Time, day, (frequency)?

Erin Gusty
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Let's gooo @scottamenta! Does this currently show you insights across multiple communities or would you have separate instances for your Discord, Slack, etc? Will be neat to integrate across all communities so you can see a holistic view of member involvement :)

Miitra Analytics
Data-driven engagement scores for digital communities

Erin Gusty
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I'm launching a product in a few weeks to help marketing teams get started with CRO. It's called Flourish Commerce, and we provide custom, affordable website audits.
Follow along for the launch:
Hope to see you in the comments :)
🤔 Marketers - is conversion rate optimization a priority?
Erin Gusty
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Erin Gusty
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I'm excited to see a demo of this feature! 🤓
Thoughts on the near future of AI in B2B products
Graham Lipsman
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Erin Gusty
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I don't work in SaaS anymore but wow this would have been game changer for me!! This kind of software is very much needed - good luck with the launch, I'll be following along :)

Continuously generate the latest screenshots of your product

Erin Gusty
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Hey @barbora_plasovska this is great! Just downloaded and going to give it a try this week. I've never gotten into habit trackers but my partner loves them, so this is a good excuse to try :) One small bug I noticed - I'm not able to toggle on "Reminders" after I've created a habit. The toggle works when I create a new habit, but not when I try to edit an existing one. It'd also be nice if I...

Personal habit tracker

Erin Gusty
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I'm a big fan of task lists - start from the top and work your way down. It's easy for me to lose focus if I try to work on multiple things at once, but if I can power through one task at a time, I find I'm able to accomplish a lot more and stay organized in my workflow!
Tips for techniques to maintain focus and productivity while working remotely
Fatma Daşman
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Erin Gusty
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As someone who is starting to plan a PH launch, I've been watching a number of explainer videos and really enjoyed yours! It was quick but informative - makes me wish I wasn't building my site in Webflow so I could actually use your tool. 😉 Bookmarking Subframe for the future, for sure!

The best way to build UI, fast

Erin Gusty
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Hey Isa, I'm excited to check out Commented! I built a tool called Plot (which we recently shut down after 2 years of building) to be a better Miro for marketing teams. We didn't have enough time or capital to fully test to PMF, but had a strong community of email marketers who used Plot daily and found a lot of value in its split-screen display. Essentially, we aimed to combine the power of...
Are you still using Miro?
Isa Tanis
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Erin Gusty
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Hats off to the Bento team for this fantastic update! As someone who is planning to use Bento for all our in-app needs, these new goodies like empty state cards and carousels are just what I'm looking for. I love that their tools integrate with our existing tech stack, like Figma, making the whole design and implementation process pretty seamless.

Figma Onboarding Components from Bento
Add personalized onboarding & activation to your product