Esther Deng

Esther Deng

Marketing Lead at NocoBase
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Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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Sharing some launch experience

Last Monday, we successfully launched NocoBase for the first time, achieving second place of the day and the top developer tool of the week (which is certainly not an outstanding achievement). Today, we were featured in the weekly newsletter. I’d like to share some of my experiences on how we did it, hoping it can help you too! 1. Get familiar with the platform and build connections in...
Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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Exciting News! We’re launching today!

NocoBase is a lightweight, extremely scalable open source no-code development platform. Instead of investing years of time and millions of dollars in research and development, deploy NocoBase in a few minutes and you'll have a private, controllable, and extremely scalable no-code development platform! Check it out : Thanks a bunch in advance for your...
Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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We are launching tomorrow, just a couple of hours to go! Wish us luck! 🚀
Alexander Grossman
Who will launch in June? Let’s support each other!
Alexander Grossman
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Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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I’ve already achieved a 160-day streak on Duolingo!
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛
Are you into any daily learning platforms? Which ones do you swear by?
Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛
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Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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Followed! Also, we’re launching next Monday. Stay tuned!
Paulina Hryniewicz
What's the best way to boost your products followers count on PH?
Paulina Hryniewicz
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Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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On weekends, I love hiking. It’s the most relaxing way for me.
Milli Sen
It's a Friday. What are your plans for the weekend?
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Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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59 day streak 💪
Artem Konovalov 💎
Alright, it turns into a habbit, 🔥 31 day streak
Artem Konovalov 💎
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Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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I know the skills I need for my role, but I’m not sure about others.
Darren Lang
Can you list the skills that you need for your role?
Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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Congrats on the launch!🥳
Glato AI
Glato AI
Create winning video ads with AI creators from a product URL
Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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Let's Support Each Other!

We're excited to announce that we will be launching next Monday! 🎉 Let's come together as a community and help each other grow. Whether it's sharing experiences, providing feedback, or offering advice, every little bit helps. We'd love to see your pages and LinkedIn profiles as well! Please share them in the comments so we can all connect and support each other. Teaser:...
Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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That's helpful!thank you Boris!
Boris Markarian
Best tools before launch on Product Hunt! 🛠 🪚 🔩 🏆
Boris Markarian
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Esther Deng
Esther Deng
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I love play and watch Badminton!🏸
Priyanka Saini
Which sport 🏉 ⚽️ 🏏 do you like to play or watch?
Priyanka Saini
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