Everett Berry

Everett Berry

Cloud Costs | Open Source | Angel
189 points
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Everett Berry
Everett Berry
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In use at https://vantage.sh/branding !
Plug-n-play widget for sharing your logos
Everett Berry
Everett Berry
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Very helpful for marketing, congrats on the launch @yousifastar
Transform speech into perfect writing
Everett Berry
Everett Berry
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Very nice animations and walk through
Generate brandable & memorable domain names using AI
Everett Berry
Everett Berry
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Love the clean design on this.
Next gen AI transcription
Everett Berry
Save 50% on your next AWS bill. Vantage Autopilot applies cost savings on your behalf by automatically buying and selling Reserved Instances. There are no upfront commitments or infrastructure changes. Connect your AWS account to start saving.
Vantage Autopilot
Automatically Reduce your AWS Costs by 50%
Everett Berry
Everett Berry
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Launching Products in a Bear Market

Do you think anything about the message should be different? What are makers and companies focused on in this new environment?
Everett Berry
Everett Berry
started a discussion

Tell me your surprise AWS bill story

At a previous AI company we spent $80K in 2 weeks because we left some large GPUs (p2s I think it was) on. We had $50K of credits leading into that month so we spent through all those and owed AWS $30K in hard cash :(
Everett Berry
Everett Berry
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Pretty interesting to see something like this made so accessible!
Anja Stem Cell Collection Kit
Helping pregnant parents freeze umbilical cord stem cells
Everett Berry
Everett Berry
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Upvoted because it’s memes and it’s DBs
The fastest way to create memes
Everett Berry
Everett Berry
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The developer tools category though.. so competitive
Sharath Kuruganty
Day 4 at Golden Kitty Awards: Five more categories opened for voting!
Sharath Kuruganty
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