Fabian Hedin

Fabian Hedin

Working on gptengineer.app
393 points
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Fabian Hedin
On top of Lovable's chat based AI app builder, you can now easily edit sizes, colors, content, and other stylings of any element on the page with a Figma-like experience. This feature is in early access.
Lovable Visual Edits
Lovable Visual Edits
Faster and more precise edits
Fabian Hedin
GPT Engineer got 50,000+ users in 140 countries and 5/5 stars in 2024. Now we launch Lovable: the world's first AI Full Stack Engineer. Ship apps with auth, data storage, and AI - 20x faster than writing code. No lock-in, GitHub sync, 1-click deploy.
The world's first AI Full Stack Engineer
Fabian Hedin
Chat with AI to build for the web, and ship faster. Go from prompt to prototypes in seconds. Iterate on a real app in real-time. Own your code, with no lock-in. Integrate with workflows developers love. One-click deploy to production.
Chat with AI to build for the web