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This is a website template for developer portfolio.
developer portfolio starter
developer portfolio starter
developer portfolio template starter
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University Rank Map
University Rank Map
The distribution map website of top universities in the US
Explore the University Rank Map to find and compare universities based on various criteria. Discover rankings, locations, and more.
University Rank Map
University Rank Map
The distribution map website of top universities in the US
This is a browser extension that protects the author's privacy by hiding pinned browser extensions. Save half a minute with each use.
UP Mode Extension
UP Mode Extension
Protecting browser extensions' privacy with one click.
This is a VSCode plugin for syntax conversion of import statements. Sometimes you need to modify import statements, such as changing import { a } from 'b' to const { a } = require('b');. You can use this plugin for that purpose.
Convert Import Statements
Convert Import Statements
convert 'require' statements to 'import'. vice versa