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Zach Flynn
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Thanks for checking out fnsh_it! I wrote it to help me make finish longer projects with well-defined units of work. It uses a statistical model to schedule work when you like to work. It's 100% free. I hope you find it useful! Here's more info:
fnsh_it is a free tool for tracking progress towards goals. It's perfect for long projects that require a little bit of work each day to finish. Like...
for getting long projects done
fnsh_it is a tool for tracking progress towards long-term goals. Like writing the next great page-turner. Or running five thousand miles. Or benching a million pounds. It uses statistics + an economic model to learn when you work best and schedules acordingly.
for getting long projects done
Zach Flynn
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This looks very nice. We've tried to do this with Miro boards, but this looks like a cleaner way of doing this kind of brainstorming. One note for you: when I signed up, it sent me two verification notices (confirmation numbers) one-after-the-other. Probably triggering twice somewhere. Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Better team ideation
Zach Flynn
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stpwtch is a personal time-tracker sans frills and fluff that is focused on one thing: tracking time well. It has useful features to quickly edit time by moving the timer around with single button clicks. It produces handy-dandy reports (some in single button clicks, but it also allows for flexibly-defined output as needed). The reports all output to plain tables and CSV's, so they are easy to...
for knowing where the time went
stpwtch is a free, "fault-tolerant" personal time-tracker for people who want to know where the time went. I wrote it for me and have used it daily for five years - so it works great for at least one customer! I hope it works well for you!
for knowing where the time went