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Fouad Akkad
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Tripzzle is a travel booking and destination recommendation engine that easily and instantly finds best hotels matching your criteria.
We combined various databases of hotels, cities, passions and interests, weather, average room prices, and other ingredients to feed our algorithm which ranks more than 160.000 hotels and return no more than a 100 almost-hand-picked hotels.
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Finds Hotels Based on your When and Why
Finds Hotels Based on your When and Why
Fouad Akkad
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Founder here. Tried hunting couple days ago, but it was already in review. Thank you Kevin for the post. Hope I'm not jumping in too late :)
While is considerably similar to couple of products out there, we tried them all and we believe we came up with a robust technology with better pricing structure and more advanced features. With one thing in mind, easy and hassle-free...
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