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  • Frank Fernandez

    Frank Fernandez

    Founder @ coolaiid.com
    13 points
    All activity
    Frank Fernandez
    Frank Fernandez
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    Deep K
    Launched AskMiku !!! Shower some love PH family...
    Frank Fernandez
    Frank Fernandez
    started a discussion

    What’s the difference between the time you think it will take to build something & reality?

    It’s a good exercise to understand how long it takes to build something. Time is money and it’s not easy to estimate work. Take a second to be honest with yourself. What’s your diff?
    Frank Fernandez
    Frank Fernandez
    started a discussion

    How do you teach people a new workflow?

    Hi all, Sometimes you find a solution to a problem that is easy for people but requires them to do something they have never done. It’s about changing their typical workflow. I know that this is just a matter of educating people but does anyone have some good ways of going about this? Thanks, Frank
    Frank Fernandez
    Frank Fernandez
    left a comment
    Remember to signup for free. You get 10 images and 5 videos a month. Let us know what you think!
    Direct links from Instagram and TikTok using online QR codes
    Frank Fernandez
    Share direct links from your posts and reels without having to ask people to search for a specific link in your link in the bio. Just add a piclinq online QR code and your followers can scan the code by taking a screenshot.
    Direct links from Instagram and TikTok using online QR codes
    Frank Fernandez
    Are you tired of spending time searching for music and editing your videos to fit someone else's music? Beatspoken frees your time by having musicians pitch music to you rather than searching for it.
    Tailor-made music for your videos