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Backtesting for European Investors. Analyze your chosen portfolios and get visual data and metrics about it. Make informed decisions when comparing and analyzing portfolios and investment products.
Portfolio Analyser
Analyze your European ETF portfolios
Fintech Finder’s mission is to help you choose the best financial technology services for you.
We help people find, compare, and review financial technology companies, such as online brokers, robo-advisors, digital banks, among other areas!
Fintech Finder
The Tripadvisor for Fintech
Franklin Carneiro da Silva
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Hello, product hunt community! 👋
I am a Co-Founder at Investing in the Web and I decided to come by and tell you what has motivated us to create this platform!
As young guys starting their working life, we felt the need to take our savings to the next level but then we quickly realised how hard it was to find in what and where to invest. One thing was for sure: we would not be using the banks...
Investing in the Web
The Tripadvisor for investment platforms.