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Raymond Kennedy
Tell us the city you’re from and the city you’re going to - and presto! Powered by AI, we’ll help you quickly get the lay of the land by drawing comparisons to neighborhoods you already know.
Unveiling Cities with AI: From Known to Unknown
Raymond Kennedy
Stems ST-02 is a major upgrade, moving from Deezer's "Spleeter" model to Facebook's "Demucs v4" model. We've also added key + bpm detection. Stems hopes to be in every music producers toolkit.
Stems ST-02
Stems ST-02
Easy and high quality sound separation
Raymond Kennedy
Want to see how closely stable-diffusion can match the memories you have? The results will make you smile. Select from the following artists: Monet, Bierstadt, Miro, Mondrian, and Picasso, and we'll generate 10 unique pieces of art.
Memory Art
Memory Art
Create beautiful printed art from memories
Raymond Kennedy
Wavedash is gaming's new home. Discover new games. Keep track of what you've played. Share lists and reviews with friends. Form a backlog of games you want to play later. And browse the entire history of video games through our library of over 130,000 titles.
Discover new games. Keep track of what you've played.
Raymond Kennedy
Stems is the easiest way to create high quality instrumentals and acapellas. Stems will take any audio file (or YouTube/SoundCloud link) and automatically create an isolated vocal track, drum track, bass track, piano track, and more.
The easiest way to isolate vocals from any song
Raymond Kennedy is a music discovery platform powered by live radio shows and DJ sets from the best artists and curators across the world.
Discover new music
Raymond Kennedy
Raymond Kennedy
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This is dope!
3D Chat
3D Chat
Club penguin-esque messenger