Sherif Ali

Sherif Ali

Founder and CEO of Funnelll
35 points
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Sherif Ali
Get the most out of your marketing budget. No coding or complex dashboards needed.
Funnelll allows you to track what your visitors do on your website, share high quality data across your marketing accounts, and build powerful dashboards with a few clicks.ο»Ώ
Turn-key marketing funnel analytics for everyone
Sherif Ali
Sherif Ali
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What are your top priorities when running a marketing campaign for your website(s)?
Run marketing campaigns that work. Improve ROI by 10X.
Sherif Ali
Funnelll is the easiest way to track customer actions and conversions on your website. No coding needed! Unlock your customer journey data and use it to optimize your ad campaigns for driving conversion and sales.
Run marketing campaigns that work. Improve ROI by 10X.