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  • Furnace Creek Software

    Furnace Creek Software

    Mac, iOS, and Windows apps
    2 points
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    Furnace Creek Software
    Hanon Pro is an app for iPhone, iPad, and Mac that offers a fresh, modern take on keyboard and piano technique and exercises for the digital age. Just like health and fitness apps track your physical health over time, Hanon Pro does the same for piano practice
    Hanon Pro for iPhone, iPad, and Mac
    Hanon Pro for iPhone, iPad, and Mac
    Piano technique and exercises for the digital age
    Furnace Creek Software
    sudo with Touch ID support
    sudo with Touch ID support
    perform root commands using Touch ID on new Macbooks
    Furnace Creek Software
    Pixen 4
    Pixen 4
    major update with over 125 improvements!
    Furnace Creek Software
    Robotics Studio for macOS
    Furnace Creek Software
    Archimedes 1.5
    Archimedes 1.5
    Beautiful Mac LaTeX and Markdown editor