Gabriel Werlich

Gabriel Werlich

Product tempting
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Gabriel Werlich
Gabriel Werlich
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Wanted to try. But the Android Playstore says its not compatible with my device (S9+)
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Gabriel Werlich
I really like how communities evolve around simple but meaningful limited human interactions, I built a product around that. In opt2 you can only pick between... well.... 2 options. How will you choose?
opt2 is fun choice making
Vote between two options, and help people decide.
Gabriel Werlich

Hello, I’m Gabriel, a brazilian Product Designer. I was frustrated with people always "brainstorming" or trying to "crack solutions out", so I built Metaphors: an ideation tool that works :D

Metaphors is based on two great works of creativity: "brutethink" from Michael Michalko Thinkertoys, and New Metaphors from imaginaries lab (carnegie mellon)

The idea you need, a few thoughts away.