Giovambattista Fazioli

Giovambattista Fazioli

I am an Italian Lead Developer.
10 points


My name is Giovambattista Fazioli, an Italian Lead Developer. I started coding in 1983 and have experience in design, graphics, and assembly language. I worked with various systems like Commodore and processors such as Z-80 and 8086. Later, I worked as a program developer in a telecommunication company using languages like C/C++, PHP, and Visual Basic. After 7 years, I became a freelance developer. Currently, I am the Lead Developer at Namecheap, specializing in ReactJS, TypeScript, and NextJS.


Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • WP Bones
    WP Bones
    Allows for WordPress plugins with Laravel-like features
    Aug 2024
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    Joined Product HuntMay 7th, 2021