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Use market data to help benchmark your products, discover untapped opportunities, set optimal prices, and understand your share of the market. By simplifying the complexity of e-commerce with AI categorization, you can get more done and understand the market.
Automate retail competitor intelligence
Kyle Gill
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Hi Product Hunt, 👋
Most consumer-focused brands are blind to what is happening in their market, and market research firms charge an arm and a leg for a 3 page PDF full of fluff.
Particl offers high-level insight on the entire retail market for a fraction of the price, with a platform purpose built for drilling into specific categories and individual competitors. This allows you to answer...
Automate retail competitor intelligence
UI Foundations Kit provides 64 well-designed, copy-and-pasteable React components that work seamlessly with MUI v5. Build your next app without worrying about layouts or CSS, and tweak whatever you want.
UI Foundations Kit
Beautifully designed, React components for MUI
Kyle Gill
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Hey all, 👋
I've found a strange modality working with React component libraries. The libraries with the most comprehensive APIs tended to have the least emphasis on great design, and the libraries with the best design, tended to have the least extensive API surface.
When it came to building with sophisticated components like:
- data grids
- autocompletes
- server side search inputs
UI Foundations Kit
Beautifully designed, React components for MUI
Kyle Gill
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It seems to be a pretty clear copy of Feedback Fish [1], using a Webflow template to support a different Open Source project.
I'd be able to look at this more genuinely if there were some indication that so much was borrowed from their work.
Feedback Fin
An open-source widget to collect feedback, from any website.
A free, open-source WordPress plugin that provides an extendable GraphQL schema and API for any WordPress site. Separate the CMS from the presentation layer. Content creators use the CMS they know, while developers use the frameworks/tools they love.
WPGraphQL v1 - GraphQL API for WordPress
Free plugin to create a GraphQL API in any WordPress site.
Kyle Gill
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I kickstarted the LUMI Keys many months back and got one delivered after a lot of hassle with delayed shipping times exacerbated by COVID. It proves to be pretty similar to previous Roli products in that it's really flashy and impressive, but has some rough edges with buggy software that's new and not battle tested. When it works, it's a sleek MIDI controller that connects and plays well with...
Portable illuminated keyboard to that helps you learn music.
Kyle Gill
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This looks like it is intended to compete with Clutch:
Imgur Melee
Discuss & watch gaming clips
The best way to create, update, and deploy Gatsby sites
- Real-time Preview: View live content updates from your headless CMS
- Blazing fast Gatsby builds in the cloud (in beta)
- Performance reports
- Free tier for small sites
Gatsby Cloud
Building ambitious websites just got easier
Kyle Gill
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Really enjoy this, I actually find it much improved on alternate versions I've seen that aggressively change styles and aren't effective on different viewports. Great work!
Minimal Theme for Twitter
A distraction-free browsing experience for the new Twitter
A simple, minimal, journaling platform that works offline and across all devices. It can be hosted yourself and used on web, mobile, or desktop. Designed to be clean, and built with a focus on writing. Inspired by JournalBook.
Sol Journal
A simple, open-source personal journaling platform
Kyle Gill
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I really love this idea and it looks great! I'd love to see something like this for software engineering roles.
Showcasing design intern portfolios at top tech companies
Kyle Gill
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I found that I kept going back to the same sites I loved when looking for design inspiration, especially when it came to cards. Getting shadows and corners right was tedious, so I decided to compile my favorites into a tool I could go back to.
Let me know if you have any questions, think a site should be included, or would appreciate some feature or another!
Card Surge
UI Playground for designing beautiful Cards
Card Surge is a playground for designing cards in a web interface. Designing cards that look 🔥 takes careful tweaking and attention to detail, and Card Surge makes it easy.
Take existing styles from well designed sites and use them as a starting point, or begin playing with your own. Copy the code out into your own project once your done.
Card Surge
UI Playground for designing beautiful Cards
Kyle Gill
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I'm stoked to dive into this! I love the idea and machine learning has never seemed approachable to me, thanks! 😄
Curated Machine Learning models to âš¡superchargeâš¡your product
I wanted a tool to help me find music based on elements of music that I personally liked, and figured I could make something that would do it for me.
Synthetic connects to Spotify and calculates scores for songs from curated playlists (or it's entire library) based off user input. Then you preview the top picks and can add them to your library.
Spotify powered, data-driven music discovery