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  • Allen Smith

    Allen Smith

    Founder of GPTSmith


    Hi there! I'm Allen, a seasoned brand consultant with 15 years under my belt, bringing a wealth of expertise to the dynamic AI communication realm with GPTSmith. My forte lies in translating complex market dynamics into growth strategies and creative solutions. A fervent believer in the transformative power of optimism and tenacity, I thrive on turning the tide in challenging situations. With a keen eye for innovation and a heart for collaboration, I'm all about empowering conversations through technology. In joining Product Hunt, I'm excited to share insights, foster connections, and learn alongside fellow trailblazers. Here's to crafting our next success story!


    Founder & Leadership


    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking

    Maker History

    • GPTSmith
      Empower your brand with customized ChatGPT
      Nov 2023
    • 🎉
      Joined Product HuntNovember 1st, 2023