Sam Beckbessinger

Sam Beckbessinger

Money dork, entrepreneur
17 points
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Sam Beckbessinger
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Sam Beckbessinger
Take Back the Day - Busyness
Take Back the Day - Busyness
Everyone is busy. Let's talk politics šŸ™ˆ
Sam Beckbessinger
Take Back the Day - Robotics
Take Back the Day - Robotics
Simon imagines Sam as an artificial intelligence. And stuff.
Sam Beckbessinger
Take Back the Day - Transparency
Take Back the Day - Transparency
We all believe honesty is generally a good thing, right?
Sam Beckbessinger
Take Back the Day - Workspace
Take Back the Day - Workspace
Is your workspace making you dumber?
Sam Beckbessinger
Take Back the Day - Helicopters
Take Back the Day - Helicopters
On being a Swiss Army Person, and stuff.
Sam Beckbessinger
Take Back the Day - Distraction
Take Back the Day - Distraction
In a conversation that sounds like it's fuelled by caffeine.