Hamidreza Khoshvaghti

Hamidreza Khoshvaghti

Co-founder and the people person
23 points


A near-future review about me would be like: Hamid is a dynamic entrepreneur with a passion for innovation and cultural exploration. He is now helping small start-ups to establish their own companies [My Dream]. With a background in IT engineering and AI, and a love for languages, music, and travel, he brings a unique perspective to his ventures. As the co-founder and head of the IT department, Hamid has demonstrated his leadership skills and entrepreneurial spirit. He is known for his ability to empower his team members, create engaging training programs, and foster a collaborative work environment. Hamid's dedication to personal growth and commitment to positively impacting others' lives makes him a respected leader and a driving force behind his company's success.


Founder & Leadership at AHROMM


Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • Ahromm
    Empowering Growth Through Audiences' Big Data Insights
    May 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntApril 7th, 2024