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Hardik Jain generates influencer-style video ads in minutes. Only enter your product URL. So far, we generated 10K+ ads for 1K+ users. Our Ads are performing like human ads but are way cheaper and quicker. First Ad is free - looking forward to your feedback!
Create video ads from URLs: Web, App store, Playstore
Hardik Jain
Spotlight for Safari. Increase productivity by quickly navigating through your open tabs. When you are all done with your tabs, you can have a nice interface for them to close it at once based on your fuzzy search.
Hare for Safari
Hare for Safari
Better manage and search through your Safari tabs
Hardik Jain
Search engine for browser tabs. Increase productivity by quickly navigating through your open tabs. MacOS Spotlight like experience for browser tabs.
Better manage and search through your browser tabs