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Instantly copy any Tailwind color with our beautiful color palette & color picker. Click-to-copy any TailwindCSS color including HEX, OKLCH, or Tailwind color class.
Plus, preview each color with gradients, UI examples, matching colors and more!
Tailwind Color Palette by Tailcolors
Instantly copy the perfect TailwindCSS Color

harrison broadbent
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I love TailwindCSS — it's awesome, but it's hard to decide exactly which color to use.
That's why I built Tailcolors!
I want Tailcolors to be the best TailwindCSS color palette around.
With Tailcolors you can:
- Preview every single Tailwind v4 color (using the new wide-gamut colors)
- Instantly copy any color by clicking it
- Dig deeper into a color with UI examples, gradients,...
Tailwind Color Palette by Tailcolors
Instantly copy the perfect TailwindCSS Color

harrison broadbent
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Been a Pirsch customer for nearly a year and I love it! I've tried a bunch of analytics tools and this one finally does everything I want 👍
Pirsch Analytics 2.0
Next level analytics for the modern web

harrison broadbent
left a comment
Congratulations on the launch! I was one of the Roasti team's first roasts, and I was really impressed with their feedback and advice. You can see the before/after for MONN in their product photos and on their website — clear, simple advice that I could immediately implement, and that really improved my landing page design.

Hire a senior designer for the price of a coffee