Louis Vieira

Louis Vieira

Growth and ads.
45 points
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Louis Vieira
Helpful list of +21 privately-sourced goodwill deals to help founders during these unfair times.
Most of the companies in this list are digital marketing tools directed towards growth, social media, conversion-rate optimization and e-commerce.
Privately-sourced relief deals for Founders
Louis Vieira
EcommerceSenders is a live dashboard of insights into the email marketing tactics of the most successful online retail brands on Shopify.
Ecommerce Senders
Ecommerce Senders
Live email marketing insights for the top 100 Shopify stores
Louis Vieira
This is the biggest e-commerce database available for free - with 23+ e-commerce datapoints available for each one of the top 100 Shopify stores.
This allows for any e-commerce owner to benchmark his/her own store against the best in business.
E-commerce Ranker
Interactive database of the Top 100 Shopify Stores 🌍
Louis Vieira
E-commerce Ranker is an interactive list of the top 100 Shopify Stores - which contains 19+ e-commerce data points.
Contains inside: Most Sold Product, Estimated Monthly Revenue and 16+ other e-commerce data points.
Top 100 Shopify Stores
Top 100 Shopify Stores
Interactive list with 19+ e-commerce data points. 🛒