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Ian Blair Hamilton
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What a great presentation from a really kool guy with a great idea.
Boost your typography accuracy with a quick copy paste

Ian Blair Hamilton
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Good... but no help files. From what I can work out Sherlock Holmes-style, the + sign at left allows a new stack of sites, but for some reason it's bvlanked out. When I go to chat in the options menu, no chat appears. I WANT to like it because I see its potential but...
Stack 3.0
Smart browser for internet multitaskers

Ian Blair Hamilton
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Love its simplicity and its synergy between image and quation. Can you tell me how it can be delivered?

Tinder-style surveys builder

Ian Blair Hamilton
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windows/Android Puleeze!
A productivity machine that forces you to do tasks 1-by-1

Ian Blair Hamilton
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It's a niche that needs filling. #SeeMore
Discover customer personas through your data

Ian Blair Hamilton
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I want it! In Australia.

Simultaneous front & back smartphone video app

Ian Blair Hamilton
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I think it's great! I launched the e-Shower on KS 2 years ago with a similar principle but this one is even better. Well done!
Can I please have wholesale pricing?

Minible S
The most powerful nanobubble faucet aerator

Ian Blair Hamilton
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LOVE it.
Pros: It fulfilled a real and present need for me to update 6 pages at once automatically AND to allow me to fix my ever present f___ ups .
Cons: Perhaps the editor could be improved. e.g font colout

Content Strategy Tools
7 steps and tools to create a content marketing strategy

Ian Blair Hamilton
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Nothing yet. Need and answer on links
Pros: Looking for a simple method of personalising videos to support sales funnel and this is SIMPLE
Cons: can't see if it will let me add links to show a new video when viewer makes a choice. That's what i want and need.
Create engaging interactive videos in seconds ⚡️

Ian Blair Hamilton
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Having major probs getting it off either Google Play for my LG phone, or from Apple Store for my i-Pad. Really keen to give it a try. Really seems to fulfil a need!

Make video shows with your fans — just by sharing a link.

Ian Blair Hamilton
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I have ten years' experience selling travel water bottles and I know what's good.
Pros: Until you understand the technology, you won't 'get' just how good this is. The old style portabottle is about as hygienic as the Portaloo.
Cons: None I can think of...

The LARQ Bottle
A self-cleaning water bottle. It's like magic ✨