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Cat Noone
With Sidekick, accessible design just got ten times faster. Sidekick uses AI to automatically scan your entire design file for accessibility, give you a list of any issues, and suggest fixes.
An AI-powered accessibility assistant in Stark
Cat Noone
Cat Noone
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Ah this is awesome! @laceykesler congrats, my friend.
Cohort learning, community & job opportunities for women
Cat Noone
Streamline your accessibility workflow with automated checks of design files, smart suggestions, and tools to supercharge accessibility from design to code. Download from the App Store:
Stark for Mac
Stark for Mac
Find and fix accessibility issues in record time
Cat Noone
Stark empowers software teams to design, build, and test products with accessibility in mind from the start. Our suite of plugins and extensions provides everything—from tools to education—to make anything accessible. Think of us as your accessibility toolbox.
Stark 2.0
Stark 2.0
Supercharge accessibility
Cat Noone
Cat Noone
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I've always really loved the Framer community. Kudos to @jornvandijk @koenbok and their entire community crew! 💜
Aaron O'Leary
What are some of your favorite design, development, and accessibility related communities?
Aaron O'Leary
Join the discussion
Cat Noone
Stark for FigJam provides designers, engineers, and product managers role specific accessibility checklists. Tick tasks off your lists to track cross-discipline progress, expand your knowledge on topics with dropdown descriptions, and leave sticky notes
Stark for FigJam
Stark for FigJam
Accessibility whiteboarding meets FigJam
Cat Noone
Making your products accessible just got a lot easier. The new Stark Mac app streamlines accessibility compliance, saving your team time, money, and effort through end-to-end collaboration
Stark for Mac Beta
Stark for Mac Beta
Accessibility optimized, automated, and integrated
Cat Noone
Cat Noone
left a comment
Great to see other solutions in the accessibility space getting funded. Congrats, Thibault!
Ava Closed Captions
Make online meetings/videos 1-click accessible for the deaf
Cat Noone
Meeting Experience is a real-time A.I. solution that makes meetings better by helping leaders be more inclusive and effective. We take our Leader Experience solution and put it with our Virtual Meetings Assistant solution for one great meeting experience.
qChange Virtual Meeting Experience
Using A.I. to make meetings better
Cat Noone
Cat Noone
started a discussion

I'm Cat Noone, founder of Stark, AMA! 🔥

Hi there! I'm Cat, the CEO of Stark—a suite of integrated tools helping designers, engineers, and PMs build accessible and legally compliant products. A designer by trade, my focus is on bringing to life products and technology that maximize the way people access the world’s innovation. I'm here to answer any questions you might have about design, accessibility, team building, and founding a...
Cat Noone
For many designers who have used Sketch or Adobe XD, you've seen or used Stark before. And now, we're stoked to bring Stark as a plugin to Figma — starting with the contrast checker!
Stark for Figma
Stark for Figma
Contrast Check your designs right within Figma.