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Canva now natively supports Lottie. Meet LottieFiles for Canva. Access 100k+ free, ready-to-use customizable Lottie animations plus easily integrate your team's private library into your designs. Add motion to your presentations, websites, social media & more.
LottieFiles for Canva
Add motion to Canva projects with 100k+ Lottie animations
Explore similar-looking icons, illustrations, 3D illustrations and Lottie animations effortlessly with our powerful AI-powered Reverse Image Search feature. Discover captivating design assets by easily uploading an image of your choice!
Reverse Image Search
Find design assets that are similar-looking to your images
Create and personalize your favorite illustrations with IconScout Illustration Kit. Choose from diverse collections, colors, themes, and styles to mix and match your unique creation.
Illustration Kit by IconScout
Mix, match & shuffle to create endless combinations
Create production-ready animations within Figma and export them as a Lottie. Apply animated presets to a single frame or string together multiple frames to create your fun animation. Bring the power of motion to your designs with LottieFiles for Figma.
Figma to Lottie
Export production-ready animations from Figma
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Huge fan of this book. Congratulations @adhamdannaway
Practical UI
Practical UI
A book to learn a logic-driven approach to UI design
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141K !! this is mind blowing amount of 3D assets.
3D illustrations
Over 141,000 customizable 3D illustrations