Ismael Diaby

Ismael Diaby

building unique companies.
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Ismael Diaby
Gamewidget is an online escape game embedded into your website providing your website visitors with a coupon after playing. A player is 5x more likely to purchase from you. It increases your website conversion rate in a fun manner.
Turn traffic into customers with a fun game on your website
Ismael Diaby
Ismael Diaby
started a discussion

Launching a Startup TV- Hulu marrying Product hunt and top podcast

I need honest feedback on a product we’re launching after months of testing! Top 50-100 Videos podcast / Netflixlike with a product hunt category and more A Startup TV or video streaming platform for entrepreneurs allowing them enjoy thousands of exclusive and curated Interviews, documentaries and shows. But also to discover the new and trendy products and startups in video...